A 4H Enterprise is a great way for young people to practice managing their own business. They get to be their own boss and decide their own working hours.
All 4H entrepreneurs are aged between 13 and 28 and are members of their local 4H associations. As 4H entrepreneurs, young people get to:
Budding 4H entrepreneurs learn about building their own 4H Enterprise on the 4H entrepreneur course that is provided by the local 4H association. They don’t need to have a clear business idea – just having some area of interest is enough. The course gives them the space and support to brainstorm their ideas and then shape them into a business that they can set up either or together with friends.
4H Enterprises cover many different areas, including:
4H entrepreneurs get valuable experience of all the practical aspects of running your own business, including writing contracts, making receipts, marketing and paying salaries.
Each 4H entrepreneur also gets a mentor who helps with any questions or challenges that may arise along the way.
In 2020, there were 2000 4H entrepreneurs in Finland and the revenues of all of the 4H enterprises were 2,8 million euros. The number of 4H enterprises rises every year.
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